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All You Need To Know About The Social Stock Exchange (SSE)


now my next question is to you praveen
you know tidewater oil company has been
doing some fantastic work they are in
fact one of the earlier companies which
uh had focused or encouraged uh doing
review of supporting development of
renewable energy as part of varma i see
that you`ve also aligned your csr
activities with your company`s strength
wherein you provide training empower
training to mechanics and garage owners
can you can you tell us uh in in short
as to what is the factors that the
consumer company considered while
selecting the sectors for support
okay so the uh withdoll is the
the tidewater which has the brand of
they are in the automobile industry and
typically automobile industry is
supposed to be
you know
contributor significantly to the
the economic kind of issues in terms of
the uh
you know emissions and the
co2 kind of emissions and all of that
issues so
the uh from the point of view of
bringing the carbon neutrality
the company decided that they need to
get into the solar power and support
that so to that extent they can
neutralize whatever they are
contributing to their mission so that
was the first point secondly of course
the solar power of course is uh least
expensive from the consumer`s point of
view so that was also the second point
and the third point of course is the
whole economy of the world is moving
towards the
you know whether it is immobility or
whatever you call in terms of how
the world can shift to the alternate
sources of
power so that was also the second point
and third point and therefore
this company decided to
use its csr money towards that kind of
objective the issue related to giving
the training to the mechanical people or
the mechanics is basically from the
point of view of
creating more employment you know you`ve
got a lot of uh
i wouldn`t say uneducated but a lot of
youngster or young generation and we all
talk about in india we all talk about
the demographic dividend which we have
but we if we have to really kind of
convert that so-called dividend into
real dividend and not
have demographic liability then we need
to have enough employment opportunities
especially to
the young uh less educated people you
know and that`s why we thought
we are in that business and we should
give the
in to the mechanics to the unemployed
i would say not fully educated kind of
to earn money either on their own or by
working with the garages or whatever so
that was the second
point of view so to give employment or
have employability opportunities for
them so that was the main update
no uh very well said sir thank you and
it`s a very noble gesture to have uh
such a thought process where you think
of not just yourself but also the
environment in which your company is
carrying out its operations
now my next question is to you praveen
you know tidewater oil company has been
doing some fantastic work they are in
fact one of the earlier companies which
uh had focused or encouraged uh doing
review of supporting development of
renewable energy as part of varma i see
that you`ve also aligned your csr
activities with your company`s strength
wherein you provide training empower
training to mechanics and garage owners
can you can you tell us uh in in short
as to what is the factors that the
consumer company considered while
selecting the sectors for support
okay so the uh withdoll is the
the tidewater which has the brand of
they are in the automobile industry and
typically automobile industry is
supposed to be
you know
contributor significantly to the
the economic kind of issues in terms of
the uh
you know emissions and the
co2 kind of emissions and all of that
issues so
the uh from the point of view of
bringing the carbon neutrality
the company decided that they need to
get into the solar power and support
that so to that extent they can
neutralize whatever they are
contributing to their mission so that
was the first point secondly of course
the solar power of course is uh least
expensive from the consumer`s point of
view so that was also the second point
and the third point of course is the
whole economy of the world is moving
towards the
you know whether it is immobility or
whatever you call in terms of how
the world can shift to the alternate
sources of
power so that was also the second point
and third point and therefore
this company decided to
use its csr money towards that kind of
objective the issue related to giving
the training to the mechanical people or
the mechanics is basically from the
point of view of
creating more employment you know you`ve
got a lot of uh
i wouldn`t say uneducated but a lot of
youngster or young generation and we all
talk about in india we all talk about
the demographic dividend which we have
but we if we have to really kind of
convert that so-called dividend into
real dividend and not
have demographic liability then we need
to have enough employment opportunities
especially to
the young uh less educated people you
know and that`s why we thought
we are in that business and we should
give the
in to the mechanics to the unemployed
i would say not fully educated kind of
to earn money either on their own or by
working with the garages or whatever so
that was the second
point of view so to give employment or
have employability opportunities for
them so that was the main update
no uh very well said sir thank you and
it`s a very noble gesture to have uh
such a thought process where you think
of not just yourself but also the
environment in which your company is
carrying out its operations